as part of 25 Years of FFT

14.09. 2024

The FFT’s 25th founding anniversary is coming up on September 9th, 2024. What a cause to celebrate! We will prepare a programme for you to commemorate being together for a whole day on September 14th!

Studierende des Instituts für Medien- und Kulturwissenschaft der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

Archivgemurmel. (Archival Murmurs.)

A performative exhibition

exhibition Theatre & Performance

25 years of FFT! 25 years of boundary-breaking theatre between performance, digitisation, institution, and Düsseldorf urban space, between discourse and artistic practice, between play and seriousness, between curation and collaboration. What kind of documents, which memories does this vivid, entangled venue with all its strings and filaments, reaching out into the world, fraying, sewing themselves anew, leave behind? What shape could an archive take?

On the occasion of the FFT anniversary, a student group led by prof Dr Maren Butte went looking for traces. The start of their creative research was formed by narrations, objects, programmes, performance reviews, books, as well as by conversations about stagings, technical sequences, and audience memories. The experimental Archivgemurmel exhibition will be presented at the anniversary celebration on September 14th. It consists of installations, performances, videos, and texts that answer to events all around the FFT, making them resonate: a performative exhibition, a living archive that starts murmuring – about the past as well as about the future of the FFT.


With: Students from the Media and Cultural Sciences Department at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, under the direction of: Prof Dr Maren Butte; supported by Kim Karger. We would like to thank all of the FFT team, the Theatre Museum Düsseldorf as well as the FFT’s artists and companions who supported our search.