as part of Kunst und Begegnungen.

25.10. – 27.10.2024

The Alliance of International Production Houses invites its audience to an event series centred around the practice fields of art and encounter in 2024/25.

Kunst und Begegnungen. Eine Veranstaltungsreihe des Bündnisses internationaler Produktionshäuser (Art and Encounter. An event series by the Alliance of International Production Houses)

TIKTOK – Virales Theater

Conference, workshops, performances Digital Culture Social/Urban Movements

Is TikTok a stage? What can theatre learn from TikTok? What traits do online communities share with theatre audiences? We invite you to an exchange with youths, artists, and content creators. For one weekend, it will all be about the farthest-reaching contemporary social medium, at both FFT and tanzhaus nrw. Across generations, we will discuss artistic strategy on and with TikTok and share knowledge on empowerment and community building in workshops while we are searching for an answer to this question together: Is it possible to outwit the algorithm?

With:, Martina Leeker, Ole Liebl, Brigitte Huezo, Darb Attabana Jugendclub, and many more.


Kunst & Begegnungen – Eine Reihe des Bündnisses internationaler Produktionshäuser receives support from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the Alliance of International Production Houses.

In cooperation with